
Ali Feyzi
2 min readJun 24, 2020


Today I will talk about Linux Kernel…

Brain of Linux

First of all, Linux is an Operating System. Instead of System we can say computer, Phone, tablet or something like this. There are hardware and software in all of these systems. And there is something more which provides connection and communication between software and hardware. This is KERNEL which is the core or seed of the OS. Kernel’s software is residing in memory that tells the CPU what to do. We can compare the kernel to compilers and interpreters in other systems. For example Python, Java, C, or C++. Such as this software that is used by Windows, KERNEL is used by LİNUX.
Let’s talk about some important tasks that are accomplished by KERNEL.
these are:
1. Managing Input/Output operations: This means external hardware management to solve the memory and process needs from the system.
2. Managing process: It is the job of managing the processes according to users' commands.
3. Managing memory: It decides the memory requirement of all processes which are currently running.
4. Managing Device: Kernel determines the memory needs of the devices and accessing other parts of the operating system to these devices.
5. Managing File: Kernel is keeping files on the disk efficiently, accessing fast, ensuring security and performing the operations related to filing, copying, moving, reading, writing.

We can say that Kernel is the brain of the Linux.



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